Two payment methods available:

  • Full Payment Pay $670

Get 18 bonus tickets, earn up to $180 in additional earnings! Gross Margins as high as 64%*.

If all tickets are sold:

  • Fundraiser Revenue $1,910
  • Fundraiser Cost $670*
  • Gross Profit $1,240*
  • Partial Payment Pay $460
Pay the remaining balance of $210 two days after the fundraiser close date. Gross Margins as high as 60%*.

If all tickets are sold:

  • Fundraiser Revenue $1,730
  • Fundraiser Cost $670 *
  • Gross Profit $1,060 *
*Actual amounts may vary based on the applicable tax rates in your jurisdiction.
**Taxes are not applicable to the prize portion ($300) of the fundraiser cost, which is held in trust by Streamline Fundraising.